2025 BODYARMOR State Games Team Participation Stipend Application
For nearly 40 years, the BODYARMOR State Games has provided high quality and affordable athletic programming to more than 400,000 athletes. We have worked hard to keep entry fees low for athletes and are thankful to our partners and volunteers who have made it possible for us to do so.
The Team Participation Stipend was created to provide financial assistance to teams from North Carolina that are interested in competing in the BODYARMOR State Games but are unable to do so due to financial circumstances. The goal of the stipend is to provide funding to reimburse teams for entry fee costs and/or lodging expenses. Any and all reimbursements will be received in July after all BODYARMOR State Games events are over.
Teams must be currently registered for the BODYARMOR State Games and from a Tier 1 or Tier 2 county based on the NC Department of Commerce designations in order to apply. Visit the following link to determine what tier your county is - https://edpnc.com/incentives/county-development-tier-designations/
Eligible sports include: Basketball, High School Soccer (Team Tournament Only), Rugby, Track & Field, Youth Flag Football, Youth Ice Hockey